
Botanical Bestiary, the Leshy-centric bestiary

Created by M. Cavanaugh

A Leshy-only bestiary for 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A great start and an exciting update!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 12:54:24 PM

Hi everyone - 

First off, I want to say that I am awed by the support. I genuinely had no idea how this campaign was going to go once I hit launch, but this has been nothing short of incredible. At the time of writing we are 60% funded, have sold out of two tiers, and have over 100 backers! For a first time designer/project lead this is truly amazing. So again, thank you all for the support!

I have also received great feedback and questions from backers, and will be working on transcribing those into an FAQ section. Please feel free to leave comments or message me any questions/concerns/thoughts you have as the campaign continues. I will try to respond quickly and provide as much information as I can.

Now, for the exciting news - I am beyond thrilled to announce that the leshy heritages mentioned in our stretch goals are to be written by the incredible Linda Zayas-Palmer! Linda was responsible for writing the vine leshy race for Pathfinder First Edition and the leshy ancestry for Pathfinder Second Edition. She is a huge inspiration for me and this project in general, and I could not be more excited to have her as part of the bestiary!

In fact, we are so excited we are going to update our stretch goals! The first tier - providing the cover art as digital wallpaper - is going to be removed and the wallpaper provided for free to all backers! We will be replacing that tier with the heritage tier, and dropping the price targets for the top tiers. All that is to say you get more stuff, easier! An updated graphic will be added to the story soon to reflect these changes.

As usual, I've written more than I probably needed to, so I will wrap up here. Thank you again for your support, and take care!

- Matt